As a newborn and maternity photographer in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, I have been honored to join in celebrating life for countless growing families through photography. For some families, their new baby is a welcomed surprise, while others need a little help and perseverance. Unfortunately, an estimated 1 in 8 couples struggles with infertility in the United States. I've been an ally and confidant for more than ten years, listening as couples share their surrogacy, IUI and IVF stories. Thankfully, 90% of infertility cases can be resolved with science. But then, there are those miracle cases where God steps in with a different plan. This is the story of Waylon:
Introducing Corey & Ashley
Corey and Ashley met in 2018 and simply knew they were meant to be. They began discussing their future immediately, including the possibility of children. However, they knew that it might not be as easy as they hoped since Corey had been previously diagnosed with Male Factor Infertility. Undeterred, Ashley knew she wanted to be with Corey and had faith that the two would find a way to conceive their child, even if it meant medical intervention.
And So It Begins | The Testing
In 2019, the couple decided to start pursuing medical assistance to become parents. After casually trying to conceive with no luck, the two made their first appointment with The Fertility Center in Grand Rapids. Their medical team began running the preliminary testing. The semen analysis confirmed that Corey had Male Factor Infertility. However, that wasn't the only issue stacked against them; Ashley had Diminished Ovarian Reserve (DOR). The diagnosis meant that not only would it be difficult to conceive, but they were also running out of time.
Preparing for the IVF Journey | Attempting IUI
The couple began preparing for IVF in-vitro fertilization treatments. A few months before in-vitro fertilization (IVF) officially started in March 2020, the medical team urged the couple to try intrauterine insemination IUI. After all, it only takes one fertilization to become parents. So, in November 2019, the couple induced superovulation, took the necessary trigger shot to release the viable egg, and then spent the day celebrating the day together in Grand Rapids.
Unfortunately, this isn't an IUI success story. Their first IUI attempt was unsuccessful.
They tried again a few months later with the same disappointing results.
The Importance of a Support System in an IVF Story
A support system can help you through the ups and downs of life. Thankfully, Corey and Ashley have a great support system, including the unwavering support of their family and friends. One close friend who had just successfully gone through IVF even donated their unused medications to the couple! Everyone wanted to see them become parents.
Sometimes we need additional information and support beyond that of our loved ones. Social media has been a lifeline for many couples. One notably helpful group for Ashley was PALS, Pregnancy After Loss Support Group. This group and others like it are an excellent way for couples to learn from others going through similar situations.
IVF During a Pandemic
As the planned IVF start date of March 2020 got closer, Ashley and Corey's nerves were on edge as they watched the world shut down due to the global pandemic of COVID-19. While clinics worldwide were shutting their doors, Ashley and Corey's medical team were helping the couple prepare for their upcoming retrieval, one of the last before the hospital went into indefinite lockdown. Ashley prepared for weeks with acupuncture and timed injections, which meant injections at a set time wherever she was. This led to injecting shots in some unusual places (like the local Mexican restaurant). But, where there is a will, there is a way, and the couple was determined.
Egg Retrieval & Transfer
Finally, it was time for egg collection. Due to Ashley's Diminished Ovarian Reserve (DOR), the couple wasn't expecting a high number of viable eggs. Still, they were pleasantly surprised when the scans identified eight eggs that could be retrieved. They went into retrieval day full of enthusiasm and confidence that one of the eight eggs was their future baby.
Unfortunately, disappointment set in again when it came time to retrieve the eight eggs; only two were mature. The couple had put all their hopes into having extra eggs for multiple attempts and were devastated that they would only have two.
Rather than save one for later, the couple decided to transfer both in hopes that at least one would fertilize.
Double The Chances; Double The Heartbreak
Two days after the transfer, the clinic called to inform the happy couple that both eggs were successfully fertilized and the healthy embryos were ready to transfer back to Ashley. With two fertilized eggs, the couple was sure this embryo transfer was it. They left the clinic filled with hope and joy.
Ashley began to do everything she could think of to help improve the odds of implantation. After scouring the internet for tricks, Ashley attempted acupuncture, ate pineapple core and french fries and kept her feet warm. She also continued her twice-daily Progesterone injections prescribed by the team.
After the two-week wait, she went back for a blood test, hoping for good news. Sadly, the results came back negative. Ashley relives that painful moment:
"My body had failed me. I lay in my bed after I got the call and just sobbed. Corey held me and offered words of peace and encouragement. He had already had all these feelings of heartbreak. I was so heartbroken that we weren't pregnant, that we had just spent all that money for nothing, that I had used up all this energy to focus on our fertility journey. Yet, the one thing that hurt me the most was that Corey had to relive all these feelings all over again and had to watch me experience them for the first time. It still hurts to think about that to this day. However, he still stood by my side and did his best to help me heal."
Timed Intercourse Without Supervision
Unfortunately, with the world shutdown, all non-emergency medical treatments were put on pause. However, all hope was not lost. The medical team was able to prescribe IUI medication for the couple to take at home and advised they pair it with timed intercourse. Without regular access to the clinic, it was up to the couple to track ovulation and basal body temperatures to increase the odds of conception. With the pandemic, this was the best chance the couple had for conception until things began opening up.
Just one month in, the couple got a positive pregnancy test, confirmed with a positive blood test and a 6-week ultrasound where Ashley heard the baby's heartbeat.
Sadly, a week later and just two short days after sharing the good news with the family, a follow-up ultrasound showed that the baby was no longer growing and no longer had a heartbeat. As a result, the couple had a miscarriage in July 2020.
One Last Try | IVF Attempt #2
After a few months of trying medication and timed intercourse, the couple decided to try the IVF process one more time. They put a deposit down on an IVF treatment in March 2021, exactly one year after the first failed attempt. The couple focused on preparing themselves through acupuncture and supplements to improve overall reproductive health. In addition, they worked on reducing toxins from their home and unnecessary stress in their daily lives. Finally, when it came time to begin the pre-IVF injections in March, the couple felt ready.
A Miracle Two Days Early
Two days before the IVF injections began, something told Ashley to take a pregnancy test. It was a weird sensation because Ashley shouldn't have ovulated during that cycle, but she took the test anyway. To her dismay, it was positive.
Sure that it couldn't be true, Ashley took another test. Then another. Each was just as positive as the one before it. Then she called the fertility clinic and confirmed the pregnancy with a blood test. Corey and Ashley were finally going to have a baby!
Having Faith Despite Fear
The family and the medical team were all cautiously optimistic. But, since they had miraculously conceived naturally, they canceled their scheduled IVF cycle and began planning follow-up ultrasounds and blood work. With each visit, the couple became more excited yet still anxious.
At 9.5 weeks and after coming down with COVID, the couple was more anxious than ever. This was the ultrasound where they found out they had a miscarriage during the first pregnancy. Would this be any different? The couple went in together, praying every step of the way.
Ashley remembers, "I just knew it would be different. This pregnancy was an amazing blessing from God, and I just knew we would be ok."
She was right. Moments later, they saw a much bigger "bean" on the screen, moving around with the strong flicker of a heartbeat.
Welcoming Baby Through Emergency Cesarean Section
The rest of the pregnancy went off without a hitch. As the days and weeks passed, the couple became more confident in their pregnancy, and their fear turned into excitement. Finally, at 16 weeks, they announced their pregnancy. At 20 weeks and on Corey's birthday, they discovered they were having a boy. In November, Ashley needed to be induced for her and Waylon's safety, and after 24 hours, the doctors decided it was time to bring Waylon out via emergency C-Section.
He was perfect at 6lbs, 14oz, and 20 inches long. The smallest baby in either family. Today, he's in the 80-90th percentile for his age and is meeting his milestones by leaps and bounds.
Corey laughs, "We joke he will walk into our 6-month doctor's appointment because he's SO determined to be on the move!" He truly is an incredible gift.
You Aren't Alone In Your Fertility Journey
After two years, five medical procedures, a miscarriage, a C-section and a few months of post-partum depression, the family is beyond thrilled that they never gave up. Corey and Ashley knew that they were meant to be parents, and today they have a wonderfully healthy bouncing baby boy.
Ashley says, "Every day, I'm just so utterly amazed at this little person and am just so overwhelmed with joy that I get to be his mother. This fertility journey made me realize how strong I am as a person. It also renewed my faith in God and knowing He has a plan, even if it's not the plan we think. To anyone going through the struggle, I want to say never give up hope."
Join The Newborn Celebration Project
As a Midland photographer with a newborn photography studio in Mt. Pleasant, I've had the privilege of getting to know many Michigan families. However, my heart broke for every couple that felt alone during a difficult fertility journey. Through the Newborn Celebration Project, I want to shed light on fertility issues and let local families know that they are not alone through IVF newborn photos and provide a platform for these families to share their stories.
Contact a Michigan Newborn Photographer
Do you have a fertility journey you would like to share with others? As a Mt. Pleasant newborn photographer, I'd love to help you celebrate your newest addition with newborn photography, maternity photography or both! Send me a message through the contact form today!
Whether your family grew from an IVF journey, adoption, surrogacy or another method, sharing your experience gives hope to other families struggling to conceive. However, if you'd rather keep it private, don't worry; many other families would prefer not to be in the spotlight. As a newborn photographer, I'll respect your privacy, and everything will remain confidential. All images and fertility stories are shared only with the client's permission.
Fertility Answers
Women & Infants - Fertility Center